HOMOEOPATHY is a system was founded by Dr. S. Hahnemann.
Homeopathy system followed by law of nature, which was stated by Hippocrates, Father of medicine.
Homeopathy medicines works well by acting through nervous system.
Homeopathy was founded in 1796 by OLD SCHOOL MEDICINE DOCTOR HAHNEMANN
Homeo medicines are diluted ones.
Homeo medicine consists of mother tincture, diluted medicines etc
Diluted medicines are potentised by trituration or succution
Homeopathy system followed by law of nature, which was stated by Hippocrates, Father of medicine.
Homeopathy medicines works well by acting through nervous system.
Homeopathy was founded in 1796 by OLD SCHOOL MEDICINE DOCTOR HAHNEMANN
Homeo medicines are diluted ones.
Homeo medicine consists of mother tincture, diluted medicines etc
Diluted medicines are potentised by trituration or succution